----- Original Message ----

> From: Timo Schoeler <timo.schoe...@riscworks.net>
> To: or-talk@freehaven.net
> Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:56:03 AM
> Subject: Re: Hetzner
> thus Bernhard Fischer spake:
> > On Wednesday 17 June 2009, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> >> I've used to run a Tor exit with Hetzner a couple years ago, which
> >> resulted in several tet-a-tetes with the local (Bavaria) police.
> >> 
> >> I don't think Hetzner will give a damn if you're running a middleman.
> >> Especially if it's throttled, so you're not making them lose money
> >> on you.
> > 
> > That's also my opinion. We also ran an exit node at Hetzner which lead to 
> several discussions with their abuse people. One time the server simply was 
> shut 
> down and it took me days and much discussion to bring them to activate the 
> network again.
> > They have been very uncooperative all the time. As a consequence, we moved 
> > our 
> services away from Hetzner.
> > 
> > Bernhard
> All other ISPs (in Germany) will behave exactly the same way due to 
> suppression 
> from the state...
> Timo

Note how that even after multiple abuse shutdowns, much discussion, eventual 
reactivation (thereby indicating that they understood that the alleged abuse 
did not originate from the customer), and a history of uncooperative behavior 
on their part: they still pretend that they have never heard of Tor.

It looks like they just want people to waste time and energy explaining it to 
them. They hope that if it becomes too much trouble for you, maybe you will 
choose another provider.


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