I have been seeing some issues on my end as well but I don't know if it is
related to your
issue or not.
What I have been seeing for the last several days is this.

Jan 28 10:05:52 XXX Tor[504]: Received http status code 404 ("Not Found")
from server '' while fetching "/tor/status/all.z". I'll
try again soon.
Jan 28 10:05:52 XXX Tor[504]: I learned some more directory information, but
not enough to build a circuit: We have only 267/1591 usable descriptors.

Rebooting the server and restarting tor several times has not resolved this
Running tor-devel- still on the server.

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Christian Hapke <hapk...@hapke.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> since few days (about since 2010-01-20) I often get socket timeouts while
> connecting to the directory TCP-port of the directory authority servers
> (seen while connecting to tiger, ides, moria2, tor26). Is it a general
> problem or am I the only man who has seen such problems?
> Best regards
> Christian Hapke
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