My understanding is that they plan to do all of the major groups of the Orchidaceae. The results are to be published and then incorporated into 'Genera Orchidacearum'.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 6:55 AM
Subject: [OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 293

Re: Molecular Taxonomy / DNA  etc, etc. 
I personally like the forma Rupicolous Laelias and having read this latest OGD and the proposed NEW name starting with "H" or if they remain in 'Soph', leaves me cold. These orchids are not overly well represented on the Australian show benches that I know of , list members in other states may say thet are, so be it, I still cannot believe that someone has probably spent a great deal of time and money using this new technology on a genus that does not have a great influence on the orchid world. One would have thought that the knowledgably folk doing this type of work, would have selected a genus that has a major role in world orchids. As an example, a survey was started on species Phalaenopsis. Travel was undertaken to the country of origin of the species to selected nurseries specialising in this genus. As I understand it, all of the so-called species phal's tested came up to be hybrids. Guido or someone may be able to add to this point. I believe that if this testing was done on the species paphs being sold today, many would probably give the same results, hybrids,  particularly in the Brachypetalum and Cochlopetalum types.
My point is that if Molec Tech/DNA testing is to be done, do it on a genus where the results will have an influence for the majority not the minority. Its like testing for why one person in 1,000,000 gets a wart on their nose.
Lets try and get names that are grower friendly also please.

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