
Just an interesting side note on Hadrolaelia.  It has now been split and the 
former Section Crispae  (Lindley) has been named Brasilaelia by Campacci in 
Coletanea de Orchideas Brasileiras 4. Unfortunately Dr. Bream also proposed 
a new name for section Cattleyodes (Schechter) (the same set of species) of 
Chironiella in Richardiana 6(2), but Brasilaelia appears to have priority.


> Thanks to Oliver Sparrow for passing on the article on speciation.  This
> is a thought provoking  concept, worthy of consideration.  We do require
> systems to indulge our human need to classify and relate which will give
> the Taxonomists unending scope for employment and arguing.   Let's hear
> a cheer for Hadrolaelia!  Bernard C. Gerrard

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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