What it sounds like you want to do is to add another web-application.
There will still only be one physical site as I understand it?

The steps to add a web-application:
1. Make a copy of a (for instance the one in /default-site) web-application.xml into a 
web-application.xml file.
2. Edit the new web-application.xml file, especially the <document-root> and similar 
3: Edit the web-site.xml for the site (in this case /default-site/web-site.xml), add:
<web-app root="/newbie">../my-newbie-app/web-application.xml</web-app>

These are the steps needed, http://localhost/newbie/ is now the root of your
new web-application.

If you on the other hand "just" want to add a virtual directory, edit
/default-site/web-application.xml and add (assuming windows dirs):


But it sounds like you want a seperate web-application in this case,
let us know if you have any additional problems.

Have a nice day! :)

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 1999 4:44 PM
Subject: Adding a new web site - Please help

> I've just installed and started using the Orion App Server and
> I'm having a few problems setting up a new web site ( or is it
> a new web application ??? ).
> I have a web application ( e.g. Newbie Demo ) whose start page
> I want to invoke by typing in the URL
> http://localhost/newbie/index.html
> As part of the development, I also want the files that make up
> the Newbie Demo web application to be physically separated from
> those of the Default Orion WebSite ( which sit  under the
> directory D:\orion\default-site ), so I've done the following:
> (1)     Created a new web site directory ( D:\orion\newbie )
> (2)     Copied all the contents of D:\orion\default-site ->
> D:\orion\newbie
> (3)     Modified D:\orion\newbie\web-site.xml so that the
> <name> of the new site is as follows :
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE web-site SYSTEM "web-site.dtd">
> <web-site host="[ALL]" port="80">
> <name>Newbie Demonstration WebSite</name>
> <!-- The default web-app for this site, the web-app
> specifies -->
> <default-web-app>./web-application.xml</default-web-app
> >
> <!-- Access Log, where requests are logged to -->
> <access-log>./access.log</access-log>
> <!-- Site log, where events/errors are logged -->
> <log>
> <path>./site.log</path>
> </log>
> </web-site>
> (4)     Modified D:\orion\config\server.xml by adding an
> additional <web-site> as follows:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE application-server SYSTEM
> "application-server.dtd">
> <application-server>
> <!-- Path to the libraries that are installed on
> this server. Theese will be
> accesable for the servlets etc -->
> <library-path>../lib</library-path>
> <!-- JMS-server config link, uncomment to activate the
> JMS service -->
> <!-- <jms-config>./jms.xml</jms-config> -->
> <!-- EJB-server config link, uncomment to activate the
> EJB service -->
> <!-- <ejb-config>./ejb.xml</ejb-config> -->
> <!-- RMI-server config link, uncomment to activate the
> RMI service
> (NOTE: requires an 1.3 or above Java 2 environment,
> 1.2 support is under development)
> -->
> <!-- <rmi-config>./rmi.xml</rmi-config> -->
> <global-site-config>./web-site.xml</global-site-config>
> <web-site>../default-site/web-site.xml</web-site>
> <web-site>../newbie/web-site.xml</web-site>
> <!-- <web-site>another-site.xml</web-site> -->
> <principals>./principals.xml</principals>
> <data-sources>./data-sources.xml</data-sources>
> <!-- Development, true/false value specifying
> whether or not to use development mode,
> enabling this mode changes the flushing
> behaviour of classes to flush all the classes
> active on the server if any one is changed as
> opposed to flushing all the classes active
> that originate from the same dir as the updated
> class. The default is false -->
> <!-- <development /> -->
> </application-server>
> Requesting http://localhost/index.html gets me the file
> D:\orion\default-site\html\index.html, which is fair enough,
> because this is the default site.
> But when I request http://localhost/newbie/index.html the
> web server tries to return
> D:\orion\default-site\html\newbie\index.html which of course
> doesn't exist.
> What I actually want is to request http://localhost/newbie/index.html and get the 
> D:\orion\newbie\html\index.html.
> What am I doing wrong, do all my web applications have to be
> part of the default site and therefore underneath
> D:\orion\default-site ?
> Please help. Thanks in advance,
> Gary Janes
> HSBC Asset Management
> London
> UK
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> This information (including any attached information) is issued by
> a member of the HSBC Asset Management Group of companies for the
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