I take this as a feature-request of the non-executable (or all?) jars into
a /bin dir? These are "core" jars that cannot be moved (linked from orion.jar)
by the end user freely. The "/lib" dir is different, it is used to plug in additional
packages used by the EJBs, Servlets, JSPs etc. If you want to move the core
jars yourself you have to either put them in the /jre/lib/ext dir or add them to
your system classpath. We'll take moving the jars to a bin dir in the distro under
consideration though as it might clear things up.

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 1999 5:55 PM
Subject: Where must I put the .jar files

> Of all the *.jar files that compose the standrad distrib install, which ones
>  can be placed in the "lib" directory and what must be
> placed at the top level (as in the distrib install) ?
> I wanted to have only orion.jar at the top level and place the rest in /lib, but
> this doesn't work.
> Thanks in advance

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