Hi All,

I've been trying to configure Orion 0.7.6b to run a severely
hacked ( due to lack of export controlled J2EE software )
version of the J2EE demo application, Duke's Pet Store.

The demo application follows the recently announced APM (
Application Programming Model ) which attempts to cleanly
partition all the logical layers of distributed n-tier
applications including web applications.

Looking at the structure of the demo application it appears (
to me at least ) that all browser requests are somehow intended
to be routed through a single servlet called 'main' which in
turn is derived from the JSP file 'main.jsp'.

This 'main' servlet uses a GUIController bean to manage the
transition from one page to the next by virtue of the passed
request and a ScreenManager bean that decides the next JSP to
forward the request to.

I have managed to bring up the default page of the Pet Store (
index.jsp ), using http://localhost/main.jsp, but am unable to
convince any reference on this page to route back through the
'main' servlet.

As an additional point, I would have thought that once I've
invoked the main.jsp file the first time, that I could also use
http://localhost/main to get to the same page. Have I missed
something here ?

I realise this description is slightly confusing to anyone who
isn't familiar with the Pet Store application, but can anyone
assist me in configuring Orion to route all requests through a
single servlet that is derived from a non-precompiled, JSP file
that is not loaded at server start-up.

Many thanks in advance,

Gary Janes
HSBC Asset Management

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