Neville Burnell wrote:

> I have CCd the J2EE-INTEREST list. Nothing Sun can do of course - I am
> sure they want the world to have the J2EE RI just as much as we do.

More so, actually: we wrote the code, now we can't show it to everyone.

Quite frustrating.  Soon, I am assured, we'll be able to release
worldwide.  Please, don't get me started about this - I could rave on
and on for megabytes.

> General Questions : When will J2EE be made globally available ?
> Can't Sun release a version with weaker encryption for the rest
> of us ?

Even a weak encryption version needs to pass through NSA scrutiny, which
is what we're currently doing.

Jim Driscoll

P.S. Copied to Orion-interest as well, as a courtesy.  First and last
time, I promise.

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