> and it didn't work.  I tried changing it to d:/jdev/src and that also
> wouldn't work.  Changing it to backslashes (d:\jdev\src) fixed it.  This
> seems like very odd behavior to me.  It that's the intended behavior
> (possibly because the spec says that's the way it's supposed to be) then you
> (Orion) might want to very explicitly document it in the XML file because I
> imagine lots of other users will have the same problem.

Remember, on NT, the default directory separator is a backslash (\) and on 
Unix (and URLs) it is a forward slash.  Orion is forgiving for relative
paths on NT, but it doesn't work for absolute paths.


Incidentally, NT uses backslashes because the original version of DOS had no
directory support -- all files sat in the root directory.  Programs could take
command line switches though, and it followed the CPM syntax of using forward
slashes (eg dir /s).  When the next version of DOS came out, it had directory
support, and for backwards compatibility reasons they couldn't use the 
forward slash character.  So they picked the backslash.  And we've been
stuck with it since...



> Thanks again for the response, Evan.  It was very helpful.
> Brien Voorhees
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Evan Vaala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Brien Voorhees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 2:40 PM
> Subject: Re: Absolulte document root?
> > Brien,
> >
> > I tried your scenario and was not able to get it to work either, however,
> I
> > tried the following, using the drive letter and backslash and it did work.
> >
> > <!-- Document root, root for the documents for this site -->
> > <document-root>d:\web</document-root>
> >
> > Evan Vaala
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Brien Voorhees wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > I'm trying to set up OrionServer and I have my html files in D:\WEB\ .
> I
> > > tried setting the document-root property in the web-site xml file to
> "/web"
> > > but it appears Orion thinks that's a relative path from default-site.
> In
> > > other words, instead of grabbing my index.html file from
> D:\WEB\index.html
> > > it's grabbing it from D:\ORION\DEFAULT_SITE\WEB\index.html.  The
> > > documentation (which I've included below) seems to indicate that
> absolute
> > > directories are valid.  Has anyone else been able to get this to work?
> > >
> > >  <document-root>./html</document-root>
> > >   Defines the relative/absolute directory to use as root for the served
> > > pages.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Brien Voorhees
> > >
> > > P.S.  Please consider putting more work into the OrionServer
> documentation.
> > > I'm sure you guys are really busy building OrionServer and keeping up
> with
> > > the latest specs (and doing an impressive job at it, I might add) but
> lots
> > > of great features aren't very useful if potential users are discouraged
> from
> > > using your server because they can't figure out how to configure it or
> get
> > > the most out of it.  More examples in the documentation would also be a
> good
> > > idea, IMHO.  They say "a picture is worth a thousand words" but to me an
> > > example or two can be worth ten thousand. :-)
> >

Darren Gibbons                                OpenRoad Communications
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        Java and Commerce Solutions
http://www.oroad.com/                   Internet Database Programming

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