I sent this a week ago but didn't get any replies so I'm not sure if it made
it to the list.  I tried .76b and now OrionServer actually hangs when
processing one of my JSP's (that works on Jrun) and won't respond to any
more requests.

First a question.  How do you tell OrionServer you want it to keep the
source code for servlets generated from JSP files?  I'm experiencing a weird
bug in a JSP and I'd like to take a look at the source.

I'm having two problems.  The first one is that a value that's supposed to
be inside of a table is showing up outside it.  Here's the JSP code :
  <% double cash = bapiContext.getCash(request.getParameter("account")); %>
  <tr><td>Cash ($)</td><td align=right><%=(int)cash%></td><td

Here's the result :
  <tr><td>Cash ($)</td><td align=right></td><td align=right>$1.00</td><td

Notice the "18000" (the value of cash) is being output at the end of the
line (outside of the <tr></tr>) instead of where it's supposed to be.
Bizarre, ain't it?

The other problem I'm having is with a set of classes from IBM's Alphaworks
site for generating HTML tables.  It's unable to find a .ser (serialized
object) file for some reason.  Here's the code :
... snip ...
 formatBeanNames[1] = "com.ibm.jsp.NumberFormatGeneral";
<%= jspTableFormat.format(request, v) %>

What's generated is :
 <TD  border=0 BGCOLOR=#ffffff ALIGN=RIGHT     >     <FONT SIZE=5>
<b>***JSPError: -2 - Unable to find .ser or .class file for:
"com.ibm.jsp.NumberFormatGeneral".***</b>       </FONT> </TD>

The .ser files are in my classpath (d:\jdev\src is in my classpath and the
NumberFormatGeneral.ser file is in d:\jdev\src\com\ibm\jsp).
Both of these problems don't happen under JRun.

I'm attempting to switch our development/deployment platform from JRun to
OrionServer so any suggestions would be appreciated.
By the way, is the list ok to post bug reports like this one on, or should I
handle them some other way?


Brien Voorhees

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