
I'm in the process of moving my application from JRun to
Orion (or at least testing if it runs with Orion). My
application uses the JavaMail API for which I've written
a service provider. These classes are defined in a
javamail.providers file, and with JRun I place this file in 
JRun's $CLASSPATH/META-INF/javamail.providers.

With Orion, I've tried placing the file in /orion/lib/META-INF
and /orion/beans/META-INF. No luck. But if I do a 
"jar uvf orion.jar META-INF/javamail.providers" JavaMail finds
the file but can't find the classes defined it in, _except_
if I also put them all in orion.jar. 

What am I doing wrong?

/ Thomas

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