This sounds weird, are you sure those tags dont appear inside a set of <!-- --> tags?
This was fixed in 0.7.8 to comply with the spec (which says to treat the content 
inside <!--
--> tags are raw template data except for the <%= %> tag).

If this is not the case then contact us (possibly with a testcase) and we'll get on it.

Have a nice day! :)

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 1999 7:11 PM
Subject: Scriptlets appearing in generated HTML

> Hi All,
> After upgrading from Orion 0.7.6b to 0.7.8,  I find that a JSP
> containing scriptlets ( i.e. <% ..some java code... %>   and
> <%@ include file="..some JSP or HTML file.." %>  ) stops
> working correctly. It was running  fine under 0.7.6b.
> A page is displayed but looking at the HTML source it appears
> that some of the scriptlet code is not being processed on the
> server side and is just sent straight through with the rest of
> the HTML generated by the JSP.
> Anybody experienced the same thing ? Is it an Orion bug or am I
> supposed to be doing something different under 0.7.8 ?
> Any help gratefully accepted.
> Thanks in advance,
> Gary Janes
> HSBC Asset Management,
> London,
> UK
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