Hi All,

Under Orion 0.7.6b I had problems with the following code
inside a JSP:

<%! String key; %>
<% key = "DR0001"; %>

<jsp:forward page="cust_valuation.jsp">
<jsp:param name="agent" value="<%= key %>" />

The JSP to which I forwarded the request ( i.e.
cust_valuation.jsp ) was unable to access the value of  the
'agent' parameter.

Looking at the changes.txt for the latest available version of
Orion ( 0.7.8b ) I saw the following bug fix:

-- 0.7.8b --
Fixed jsp:include/jsp:forward's jsp:param support.

I thought this would cure the problems I was experiencing, but
when I upgraded orion.jar to the latest version I know get the
following server error:

Unclosed <jsp:include ...> tag

This is very confusing since I don't have any <jsp:include ...
> actions in my JSP.

Is this an Orion bug ? Is there something I can do to get round
this ?

Thanks in advance,

Gary Janes
HSBC Asset Management,

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