One thing you gotta keep in mind is that people need to make a living to eat,
drink and shelter
themselves from the elements.  Open Source is a great medium for certain things,
but there is
NO MONEY in it.  Based on the quality and quantity of work that these guys are
doing, it is
safe to assume that they aren't just doing this for the fun of it.  I hope that
they have the business
savvy to be looking out for private investors and/or VC's to help them turn this
into something profitable.
May be it already is profitable for them, who knows?

Since when did wanting to get paid for something you do become a bad thing?  If
they want to go open
source, then they should.  If they want to charge a price for their work, then
all the power to them.  Either way,
it should be up to them.

Anyways,  that's all I am going to say about that.


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