>It is amazing. I started working with Livesoftware's JRun less than 2 years
>ago, and it
>was just a team of 2 guys too...and we all know what happened to them. I
>Orion is a much better product, IMHO.
>Although I'd love to see this become opensource too =)

You know, these guys have worked hard on this product, and personally I
think they deserve to become RICH off of it. To me, these guys remind me
something of Linus Torvaldis in a way that they are pioneering a product
that is clearly a winner, yet they arent asking for an outrageous price
(lets keep it that way..ok? ;). I really hope they keep up on it HARDCORE
as they have been, and make lots of money. I for one, God forbid I can
"sell" the product to my company, will definitely be buying it. I will also
tell anyone and everyone who wants to set up their own website, the initial
costs are "$1500 for the complete web server, $xxx for a database (free if
you use the older Sybase version that was made free), and $50 an hour or
$xxx per page for me to do it." :) Believe you me, I should become a
salesman for them. I have told so many people in many mailing lists that
are having problems with JRUN, ServletExec, OAS, JSP problems, etc..to just
get a free Orion development version and start seeing things work!

Kevin Duffey
Software Engineer

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