> I disagree.  The generated files can be very useful when you're trying to
> debug.   Deleting them doesn't seem like a big problem, to me.  Just create
> a batch file to do it.
Orion 0.8.0 supports the optional persisting the generated sources if development
mode is enabled in the web-app, the generated sources are slower, but more readable
when degugging than the "production use" versions.

To enable development mode add this to your web-application.xml:

Hope it helps... (as separation biggots we'd like to remind you to take having to look 
at this
source too often is a good indication of having too much/too complicated code inside 
pages though, but you probably already know that :)
> > > others have requested is to be able to select the java compiler. Right
> now
> > > it uses the JDK compiler (I think), which is pretty slow. The JIKES
> > > compiler is VERY fast at compiling and I think would be great if we
> could
> > > plug it in.
> > >
> > I don't know,  run Orion on the HotSpot on NT and it's very snappy.
> Solaris
> > HotSpot is pretty snappy also(even on the reference implementation).  Once
> > it's cached it's a non-issue,  other things are higher priority probably.
> Are you saying that HotSpot compiles faster?  I agree with the original
> poster that Jikes compiler support would be nice.  I used another servlet
> engine that used Jikes and the page-compiles were almost instant.
> Jikes support isn't that big a deal to me, though.  While nice, it's pretty
> low on my wishlist.
Yes, particularily the Sun 1.3beta JVM (with "clientside" hotspot technology) works
miracles for the dev-cycle time. (compared to the serverside Hotspot 2.0 VM it is
several times faster when dealing with rapidly changing code, note that Hotspot 2.0
is a great VM in a production-use environment though, the fastest one we've tested
so far).

Jikes is still remarkably faster in some situations though (especially when it comes 
to compiling
Orion's EJB stubs), so enabling it if you want to might be a good idea (supported in 
0.8.0 - edit
server.xml and uncomment/configure the <compiler> tag).

Now if there'd only be a java-based jikes version (let's not start a "java is slow" vs 
"no it's not" discussion,
but we firmly believe that javac's speed could be improved several times over).

> Brien Voorhees

Have a nice day! :)

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

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