An excellent load testing tool is available at no charge from Microsoft.  It
used to be called Homer, but now it's called "Microsoft Web Application
Stress Tool".  (I liked "Homer" better")

For some reason, Microsoft isn't promoting it at all, but it is one of the
best load simulators I've used.  You build your test script by starting up
the Homer service, and then setting your web browser to use your local
machine as a proxy.  If you then go ahead and surf your website, Homer logs
all the accesses to build a test script.  You can then re-run that script,
specifying how many threads/users to simulate.

Two fast machines running 100 simultaneous users each provides an excellent
way to pound on your server.  Very interesting to watch.

Good luck,


Darren Gibbons                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenRoad Communications                               ph: 604.681.0516
Internet Application Development                     fax: 604.681.0916
Vancouver, B.C.                       

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin Duffey
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 1:17 AM
> Subject: Probably stupid..but
> Hi Orion fellow users,
> First of all, any of you use IIS/JRUN and Orion? Our main site uses
> IIS/JRUN, and I am using Orion to develop JSP and JavaBean pages.
> Unfortanately, what runs on Orion, doesnt seem to run as good on JRUN.
> Probably programmer error, but I was hoping the pages would work on both
> with no changes.
> Anyways, I am curious about a thing or two. First, using JSP
> pages seems to
> be the right way to go. Currently our site uses .shtml pages. We use the
> <servlet> tag to call servlets. We also call a "template" servlet that is
> passed a .template file (our own extension for it). The .template file is
> nothing more than HTML with specialized tokens that we parse for and
> replace with dynamic content. I am using a JavaBean now to avoid
> that whole
> mess.
> My worry is, can a JavaBean that is used by a JSP page handle multiple
> concurrent sessions at the same time..or does it end up sharing its data
> (private fields) with all sessions? I am definitely assuming each
> session/web hit gets its own copy of the JavaBean object. I
> believe that is
> what the author of Orion told me as well.
> My main concern is that as our site grows and we get 100 or more hits at a
> time hitting our site, that the JSP pages can handle the load, including
> the JavaBean being used.
> That leads to my next question. What, if any, is anyone using to load-test
> their site. Are there any free servlets that can simulate 100 or more
> connections at a time hitting a site (giving the speed of the computer
> running the test, I would imagine it couldnt simulate 100 hits at
> the EXACT
> same moment..but close to it)? Is this something anyone has dealt
> with before.
> We are also looking into an automation suite of testing tools.
> Unfortanately, it seems everything we have found costs in the neighborhood
> of $20,000 or more, some exceeding $100,000! We are a small company, and
> while our site may generate 100 hits at a time, we dont ever expect to go
> over 300 clients ALL day on our site. Hell, if we have 300 clients on our
> site all day, I wont be working for the company any more because I'll be
> stinking rich! :) The main thing is that we can load-test our site, and
> find a way to recursively test the site so that we dont have to
> consistently go in manually, clicking on every link, uploading
> orders, etc.
> Thanks for any help/info.
> Kevin Duffey

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