Thanks Magnus,

I intend putting up a tutorial and tag examples page next week if any one is
interested - I'll post the info here,


-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Stenman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 November 1999 17:39
To: Kevin Jones; Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: JSP Taglibs

looks like we've missed that one, thanks for notifying us. Lack of entry in
the specification changes table (PR to PR2) and an overlook on our account
it slip thru. Support for these tags will be included into the next version.

Have a nice day! :)

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

> Question - according to the JSP 1.1 PR2 I can specify taglibs using the
> following syntax
> <%@ taglib uri="simpletags" prefix="simple" %>
> and in web.xml
>     <taglib>
>         <taglib-uri>simpletags</taglib-uri>
>         <taglib-location>simpletags.tld</taglib-location>
>     </taglib>
> Orion doesn't seem to support this syntax yet? will it do so soon?
> Kevin

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