Make sure that the data-source specifed in myBeanDir/orion/orion-ejb-jar.xml matches a 
valid XADataSource in your data-sources.xml - the problem here seems to be 
/jdbc/DefaultXADS vs jdbc/DefaultXADS (remove the leading '/'). And no, JDBC 2.0 
drivers are not needed, any JDBC 1.0/1.1 driver will do.

Hope it helps. :)

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

> Well,  ejb-quickguide.xml didn't work for me.  It didn't create any tables
> on startup.  Also problems
> with demos.  Can't go back to WL451 for EJB since the JSP isn't as good.
> Have to
> quit toying with the ejb for now and try to get JSSE working and run JSP app
> with 
> the pre-release.  Any problems with this datasources file?   Do I really
> need JDBC 2.0 drivers?  
> I could switch to the OCIs.  TIA  -R
> My startup Message:
> D:\Orion>java -jar orion.jar -config d:\orion\config\server.xml
> Error deploying file:/D:/Orion/demo/ejb/product/ homes: Error looking up
> XAData
> ource at /jdbc/xa/DefaultXADS
> Error initializing home of type Product: Error looking up XADataSource at
> /jdbc
> xa/DefaultXADS
> Orion/0.8.0 initialized
> My Datasources.xml:
> <data-source class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource"
> location="jdbc/DefaultDS">
> <name>Default data-source</name>
> <description>
> This is a generic data-source that takes it's
> generates Connections with
> ordinary JDBC 2.0 drivers.
> </description>
> <url>jdbc:oracle:thin:scott/tiger@localhost:1521:zen</url> 
> <connection-driver>oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</connection-driver>
> <username>scott</username>
> <password>tiger</password>
> </data-source>
> <data-source class="com.evermind.sql.DefaultXADataSource"
> location="jdbc/xa/DefaultXADS">
> <name>Default Transactional data-source</name>
> <description>
> This is a data-source that can be used as an
> ordinary XAdata-source
> (transaction aware).
> </description>
> <source-location>jdbc/DefaultDS</source-location>
> <username>scott</username>
> <password>tiger</password>
> </data-source>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kucera, Rich 
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 9:19 AM
> > Subject: ejb RE: Problem in runing Cart example
> > 
> > PS:- I am still on the look out for any step by step
> > instructions for EJB deployment and runing (one along
> > the lines what we get in the reference implementation
> > from SUN)
> > 
> > have you tried ejb-quickguide.xml in the distribution?   is this not
> > enough?
> > it's a toehold anyway...I'm on step 4 today in my spare time hope it works
> > -R
> >

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