Hello all,

First of all, keep up the good work on Orion, it's a fine J2EE
server!  Having pounded on it a lot lately, I wanted to share
some findings and ask the community and developers for

1) I have used a javax.sql.DataSource (JDBC, no pooling)
and com.evermind.sql.DefaultConnectionPoolDataSource
successfully - getting access to them via JNDI.  I then am
able to perform authentication via db.getConnection(login, pwd).
However, the authentication portion does not work when I
use com.evermind.server.ejb.EJBDataSource.  It lets
anyone get a connection.  Isn't this a bug in your EJBDataSource

2) Also, I have tried to turn on the RMI server (for remote
clients to the EJB's).  I uncomment the appropriate tag in
server.xml and then add the correct host to rmi.xml.  But
it seems like I can put any ole bogus name in for the host
and it doesn't complain (when I just do it locally).  Seems to
me that the RMI server is never starting?  What am I

3) The <classpath> entry in web-application.xml doesn't appear
to be completely working.  I have added a directory there for my
beans to see and it's not working.  I have to still copy all my helper
classes to c:\orion\beans (where my EJB's are) - rather than keeping
in some other directory.

4) How about Entity Beans.  I need to add the "WHERE"
clause for custom finder methods (see the EJB 1.1 spec).
I don't see any utility in Orion to do so.  The EJB spec
says, even with Container Managed Persistence, the
application deployment tool is where this should be done
(e.g., WHERE "OPRID" = ?1).  Is this an area that Orion
still has yet to fulfill?

Thanks for any input as I am new to the Orion server.
Again, kudos to your dedicated work.


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