

>META-INF/ (will ignore)
>ejb-app/  (will ignore)
>       admin/
>       images/

>       META-INF/ (will ignore) ?? Why? As far as I know there is no META-INF
below the web-app.

>       WEB-INF/
>               orion-web.xml
>               web.xml
>               classes/
>                       BlahServlet.class
>                       net/
>                               blah/
>                                       BlahBean.class
>               lib/

Hey..ORION team (Magnus and Karl). Can you implement one feature that I
think is kewl. Resin does this. In the WEB-INF, allow for a "/src" option
that maps the .java source files to .class files in /classes. Each time a
.class file is request, look at the .java file and if its changed..recompile
it then reload the class. Or is this a hard thing to do? I think it involves
a ClassLoader, but I really like this feature of Resin. From emails I have
seen, everyone likes this feature and no other server seems to have this
feature thus far.

>All the files, permissions, beans, etc are working without issues.  My
>servlet is not responding to the mapping in web.xml which looks like this

Again..I think you need to use orion-web.xml to map the servlet. Or did my
direct email to you get to your AFTER you sent this? :)

> . . .
>  <servlet>
>    <servlet-name>blah</servlet-name>
>    <servlet-class>BlahServlet</servlet-class>
>  </servlet>
>  <servlet-mapping>
>    <servlet-name>blah</servlet-name>
>    <url-pattern>*.test</url-pattern>  (which should may anything ending in
>  </servlet-mapping>
> . . .
>Which looks to follow the Servlet 2.2 spec correctly.
>Within the .jsp, I have a form with the following tag:

I agree. I thought web.xml was to allow for the mappings to. Is Orion not
supporting this? I also tried putting my mapping in web.xml and it didn't
work. Then I read the orion-web.xml.html and noticed it goes in there. I
thought the spec allowed you to move the J2EE app to any J2EE compliant
server and your web.xml and application.xml was all that was needed to get
mappings and other things working..not server specific files? I could be
wrong..I haven't really tested this much..so don't harp on me too bad
Magnus. ;)

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