I've got an entire team up and running with the new release, so from a
technical standpoint things are cool.

What I'd definitely like to see, and soon, is documentation describing the
various "assembler" tools. Either HTML or JavaHelp. As it stands right now
it's much more productive to code XML descriptors from scratch, rather than
work out the purpose of each tool, so it begs the question, why are they

Other than that I'm quite pleased. Good work.

Arved Sandstrom

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Wagner,
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 3:48 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Orion 1.0 RC 1 released

So far everything is looking good. One question, were are the admin tools?

SnowWolf Wagner, MAIP
7 Points In Space, inc

-----Original Message-----
From: "Karl Avedal" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 8:10 AM
To: "Orion-Interest"
Subject: Orion 1.0 RC 1 released

We are proud to announce the availablibilty of the first Orion 1.0
Release Candidate. As usual it contains many bug fixes and also many
enhancements. A few productivity related improvements worth mentioning

Auto-compilation of web-components. Now all web-code will be
automatically compiled if development mode is set to true.
(http://www.orionserver.com/docs/orion-web.xml.html) shows the location
of the development attribute).

For example, this means that you can make a servlet, MyServlet.java, put
it in the right dir, and the server will automatically pick it up and
compile it. This goes for tag extension libraries, etc. as well.

Auto-generation of common custom finders (for CMP beans). If you have
finders called findAll() or findByX() (where X can be anything), the
finders will be automatically generated for finding all enties
(findAll()) or find the entities matching a specific field-value

As some of you might have noticed, Orion now also provide full JSP line
information in stack traces and compilation errors. You are not only
given the line number for the generted class, but for the actual JSP

The Orion team

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