On Tue, 30 May 2000, Christian Sell wrote:

> >Open source isn't an issue. Look at how well tomcat is being utilized.
> now, orion is NOT open source, is it? Otherwise, where is the source code?
> Tomcat is great to work with, easy to set up, good logging (not much doc
> either, though).

No, it isn't. Tomcat seems "easy to use" because it does so freakin'
little. The things that Tomcat does are just as easy to do in Orion,
because both follow the spec... but when Tomcat does things oddly, you're
just as screwed as you are with Orion - moreso, really, because with
Tomcat there's no real place where the buck stops, and with Orion, if
you're well and truly stuck, you can buy a license and bug the authors
legitimately. :) (I'm sure they're gonna rag me about that.)

At any rate, tomcat's piss-poor functionality is more of an issue
anyway. And it's "open source" only in that you can see the source; if you
think your changes are going to affect the Reference Implementation, oh
MAN are you deluded...

> >
> >I plan on committing some real time to orionsupport.com this week to get
> >the document organization straightened out, and then if you know how to do
> >something in Orion... admit it. Write it up. I'll put it online and we'll
> >build working docs.
> I think there is a long way to go. Please, say something about debugging as
> well..

A long way to go for what? And the idea for orionsupport.com is not that
*I* will write up how to use Orion - it's that WE, the orion community,
will help ourselves. If it turns into Ottinger's support project, screw
it. I'll let someone else do it.

Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://cupid.suninternet.com/~joeo      HOMES.COM Developer

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