On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Juan Pablo Lorandi wrote:

> I can't agree more...
> BTW, many of us that haven't licensed Orion are evaluating it, and wouldn' t
> be scared to pay the license just to develop, but to be able to recomend
> orion, we must get answers from you guys... some things are so fundamental
> and completly unanswered... we can't put our heads on this kind of support.

I fully agree. Take a look at www.orionsupport.com; it's meant to be
something like this. However... I'm in the same boat you are, where I'm
having to figure things out as I go, so I need contributions from everyone
else. The goal is for orionsupport.com to BE a worthwhile user support for
Orion and J2EE; it's slow going right now, as my time is very short, but
I'm adding things as I can.

Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://cupid.suninternet.com/~joeo      HOMES.COM Developer

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