Hello Tom,

Tom Wnuk wrote:

> I just migrated some ejb's from a Weblogic 5.1 installation to Orion.   The
> version I'm using is whatever was available from the web site about a week
> ago -- orion.jar dated 6-5-2000, v1.xx.

Try the latest one by doing a java -jar autoupdate.jar or get

(XML parser question already answered by Magnus, so I won't repeat)

> 2.  Performance significantly slower
> It's not rocket science, but I clocked the elapsed time it takes to complete
> a round trip from a test client.  Using the same code, Orion was at least 2x
> slower than WL 5.1 and did not scale well when more clients were added.
>                         WL 5.1          Orion 1.x
>         One client      .4xx            .8xx
>         Multiple (3)    .6xx            2.xx
> I could live with 2x slower but when adding more clients it simply gets
> worse, much worse.   For development purposes no problem, not ready for
> production use though.

This is very interesting and not at all like our own testing. If it is ok with
you we would be very interested in trying your code to see what could cause
this. We should normally be much faster than Weblogic so we want to see if
there's something weird happening.

What type of EJBs are you using? Session beans? BMP entities? CMP?

There could of course be some bug in Orion that acts as a bottleneck and if that
is the case we want to get rid of it. I will make some tests on Orion vs.
Weblogic right away to see if there's been some bug inserted in a recent version
that would make it slower than before. I'll get back to you with results on our

Whether the jdbc drivers are causing this is impossible for me to say without

> I'm evaluating Orion, JBoss, and JRun.  I'm leaning towards Orion for many
> reasons that I won't go into here but scalability is a 'big' issue.

Believe me, it's a big issue for us too. We're always aiming to be faster than
anything else and our server is very highly optimized.

If we could get access to your code we would be very pleased, but we understand
that you might not want to give it out. Source would help most, but binaries are
a help too.

Karl Avedal

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