
I'm all new to this mailing list - so bear with me and coincidence with any
FAQs. I saw some messages about setting up Cocoon v1 with Orion in the mail
archive, but was wondering if anyone managed to set up Cocoon2 from CVS
(http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/cocoon2.html). I've managed to build Cocoon2,
and I'm very glad to get the following statusinfo:

Cocoon 2.0: Version 2.0
Ready to process requests... 

while showing the following messages on stdout:

Orion/1.1.9 initialized
Adding component: generator:file
Adding component: generator:request
Adding component: generator:directory
Adding component: generator:serverpages
Adding component: filter:xslt
Adding component: filter:log
Adding component: filter:sql
Adding component: filter:xinclude
Adding component: serializer:xml
Adding component: serializer:html
Adding component: serializer:fo2pdf
Adding component: serializer:svg2jpg
Adding component: serializer:image
Adding component: parser
Adding component: store
Adding component: factory
Adding component: program-generator

Setting up Cocoon2 in order to achieve already this was relatively easy:

patch Cocoon.java in order to bypass the fact that Xerces now wants all file
references to be valid URI (file:///d:/... instead of d:\...), replacing the
default xerces/xalan.jar that come with Orion by those that come with
Cocoon2, adding the cocoon.jar to the orion\lib directory and modifying the
orion\default-web-app\WEB-INF\web.xml by adding this:

                        <!-- CHANGE PATH BELOW -->

Cocoon should pick up the cocoon.xconf file from the root of the
default-web-app dir and apparently does so, I removed the file temporarily
and it would come up properly anymore.

This is al fine, but I can't get to see anymore from Cocoon2 that this
statusscreen. Has anyone here managed to set up Cocoon2 under Orion? Tips or
advice? I'm willing to write this up for the orionsupport website.

Having seen the ease of deployment (auto-deployment!) of Orion, getting back
to Tomcat will be a though decision.



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