Are you sure both servlets see the same session. Try printing the session
creation time in both servlets and seeing if it is the same across the

Can you put an object in the session in servlet1, redirect to servlet2 and
then go back to servlet1 and see if it is still there?

Do you have cookies disabled in Netscape? If so are you using URL rewriting?

Dave Smith
Senior Team Leader
Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd


-----Original Message-----
From: Nijhawan, Sumit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 20 July 2000 2:50
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: sendRedirect with Netscape

I just noticed some interesting behavior while using a sendRedirect in a
servlet (in Orion) and using Netscape as my browser.  If I put something (I
was using a Hashtable) in the http session in one servlet and redirected the
response to another servlet(same server, same context), I lose what is in
the http session.  In other words, I get a null value when I try to retrieve
the object, in the current servlet, that I had put in the session in the
servlet that I redirected from.  Anything retrieved in the same servlet as
it was put in, works fine.  In IE, I can get retrieve the object in both
Soes anyone know if this is expected behavior and why?



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