it does crash occasionally, mostly when redeploying applications but it's 
stable enough for development and more stable than the ibm "final" and it's 
a lot faster than jdk1.2.2. wouldn't recommend using it in a production 
system, though (I doubt the license allows this with the beta anyway).



At 23:06 25.07.00 , Brady Moritz wrote:
>you mention using the sun 1.3 jdk, I tried using this and it woudl crash on
>some of the test pages with orion... tried 1.2.2 and it works fine. this was
>with orion 1.0.3, have tehse problems been repaired?
>Brady Moritz
>Moritz Designs

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
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