Hey David,

Try this... it works for me
* Stop Orion ( Ctl-C )
* Remove the files (should be 3 located in the orion base directory) that
begin with the jdbc url name after the colon. (i.e.
"jdbc:HypersonicSQL:ja_demoDB" produces "ja_demoDB.data
ja_demoDB.properties  ja_demoDB.script" files. REMOVE THEM! (BTW this is the
* Remove the following directory  ./orion/application-deployments/app_name,
where app_name is the one defined in the config/server.xml file (i.e.
<application name="avolo" path="<path>" /> )
I hope it helps
George Dawoud

 * @author: George Dawoud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * @title:  Software Engineer
 * @company: Avolo
 * @phone:  206.767.0180
 * @fax: 206.767.0755
 * @addr:   9010 East Marginal Way S., Seattle, WA 98108

Avolo is an independent marketplace and application service provider for the
aviation industry.  Avolo enables people to facilitate, manage and track the
buying and selling of aircraft parts and services through the use of a
secure and reliable Internet technology.

 -----Original Message-----
From:   David Sierra Fernandez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, July 28, 2000 9:05 AM
To:     Orion-Interest
Subject:        UNDEPLOY

I would like to know how can undeploy an app, I mean, I deploy an app and
then i shutdown the server and when i restart the server again it doesn't
say nothig about "Auto-deploying Agenda-ejb... done." It seems like if the
app was already deployed... ¨?¨?¨?

AM I correct ???
What Can I do to redeploy an app?
What Should I do to undeploy definitly an app?


        David Sierra Fern ndez
        Ingeniero Tecnico de Telecomunicaci˘n
        AULA RETECAL (CEDETEL)   Universidad de Valladolid
        Campus Miguel Delibes   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        47011 Valladolid (SPAIN)

 -- Sierr@ --

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