We're running all our tests every time we test, so it's hard to separate
things. But I guess that a smart makefile system could automatically
deploy only the changed parts of course...
I'll try that solution when we reach a larger number of deployed beans.

Faster database than an in-memory database? I'll have to get a machine
with a faster memory bus! :)


> Well we have a project running tremendous amounts of EJBs, but what takes
> time is the Entitybean deployment. We get up to 15 minutes deployment time
> on a P600III on the full deployment.
> So what we did to speed up deployment was:
> Divide your application into specialized areas and make ejb-applications of
> them so you can redeploy one area at a time... Then you will only get that
> huge deploy everytime you do a full code refresh. :)..
> The other thing is to get a faster database :)
> Hope this helps .
> Klaus Myrseth.

A n d e r s  B e n g t s s o n                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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