Hello Jonathan,

Can you send us a kanji-JSP that we can try with? Also, what version are you
using? There have been a few i18n fixes recently.

Karl Avedal

Jonathan Scott wrote:

> When I save a .jsp file in x-sjis format for Japanese kanji, and then access
> it through Orion, it comes out all wrong. For those of you without the
> Japanese fonts, it might look something like my signature. I have put into
> the orion-web.xml file
> default-charset="x-sjis"
> And it still doesnt work. I checked the browser's encoding, and it is
> correct. When I access html files in the same way, nothing bad happens.
> Any suggestions?
> Jonathan Scott
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> [EMAIL PROTECTED] // http://www.yellnet.co.jp/
> --------------------------------------------

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