Absolutely - but realise that Orion itself is an XSL-aware client, so that
the web browser doesn't have to be. 

For an overused example, consider www.orionsupport.com, which is 100%
XML... but renders on lynx just fine, thank you very much. I'm not using
this taglib yet, because the XSL I'm using renders well on every browser
I've tried, but I may indeed use this eventually for the purpose of extra

On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, Christian Sell wrote:

> can you explain briefly what the taglib does? From the readme I gather that
> it simply places an xsl-stylesheet reference in my page depending on the
> requesting target device. Does this not require an XSL-aware client, which
> is able to render the page with the given stylesheet?
> thanks,
> >After posting the original message this morning, I went to work putting
> >together a custom tag to do what I suggested this morning.
> >A zip file containing all the source, and instructions is attached to this
> >email. Please feel free to use it.  If you run into any problems, let me
> >know.
> >
> >(See attached file: xsltags.zip)
> >
> >James Birchfield
> >
> >Ironmax
> >a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
> >5 Corporate Center
> >9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
> >Suite 2000
> >Louisville, KY 40223

Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://cupid.suninternet.com/~joeo      HOMES.COM Developer

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