Hello Dale,

I think this might be something that most people isn't using heavily
(mailing from different servers) and that this can explain why noone on
the Orion-Interest list has answered you. Remember that the people
answering the questions on orion-interest (Joseph, Arved, Krüger, Chan,
Adams, Smith, Elias, Salaman, Richardson, Ernst, Wenting, Walnes,
Lorandi, Duffey, Thiele, Myrseth, Rydin, Cannon-Brooks, a great thanks
to all of you, and the ones I missed for helping out as much as you do
here on the list), are answering because they feel like helping out, and
if they didn't answer the first or second time around, they might not
feel like answering the third time around either.

If you believe it's an Orion bug, submitting it to Bugzilla will mean
that you will be notified about the status of it from the Orion
developers (sorry if you have already done so).

Karl Avedal

Dale Bronk wrote:

> Sorry to keep posting this, but I really need an answer. I have a
> problem that I hope isn't not normal behavior and something I have
> configured incorrectly. Snip of my sever.xml: <global-application
> name="MyDomain"
> path="c:\webapps\mydomain-web-app\config\mydomain-application.xml"
> />-->
>  <application name="Client1Domain"
> path="c:\webapps\Client1Domain-web-app\config\Client1Domain-application.xml"
> />
>  <application name="Client2Domain"
> path="c:\webapps\Client2Domain-web-app\config\Client2Domain-application.xml"
> />
>  <application name="Client3Domain"
> path="c:\webapps\Client3Domain-web-app\config\Client3Domain-application.xml"
> />
>  <application name="Client4Domain"
> path="c:\webapps\Client4Domain-web-app\config\Client4Domain-application.xml"
> />
>  <application name="Client5Domain"
> path="c:\webapps\Client5Domain-web-app\config\Client5Domain-application.xml"
> /> In mydomain-application.xml, I have: (note that this is my global
> application)   <mail-session location="mail/MailSession"
> smtp-host="mail.mydomain.com">
>       <property name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp" />
>       <property name="mail.smtp.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" />
>       <property name="mail.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" />
>    </mail-session> Now I want to also place the same mail session
> entries in each of my clients application.xml files except specifying
> their domain:   <mail-session location="mail/MailSession"
> smtp-host="mail.Client1Domain.com">
>       <property name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp" />
>       <property name="mail.smtp.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> />
>       <property name="mail.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" />
>    </mail-session> I have a FormMailServlet that I install on all my
> clients web.xml files which uses mail.jar classes send the email.  My
> problem is it doesn't matter which one I go to, Orion always uses my
> mail-session entries from the global application.  It doesn't seem to
> get over written for each other application.  I also tried to
> explicitly set the mail server in my FormMailServet to what is passed
> in.  I pass in mail.Client1Domain.com and inside my class I do the
> following:      properties.put( "mail.smtp.host",
> "mail.Client1Domain.com");
>       properties.put( "smtp-host", "mail.Client1Domain.com");   // Not
> needed as far as I know I also turn verbose on so I can see what is
> happening.  It always uses mail.mydomain.com!  If I comment out the
> mail-session entries from my global application xml then it works fine
> as long as I pass in the value and explicitly set the mail.smtp.host
> as above.  In other words, it seems to ignore the mail-session in the
> Clientxxx-application.xml files as I pointed the smtp-host entry in
> one of the application.xml files to an existing server, but a
> different one.  When I explicitly set the entries it uses the entries
> I set, not the mail-session entries. Seems to only use the
> mail-session entries only if in the global application xml file and no
> where else.  When in the global application xml file, it seems you can
> only use that one even if I explicitly set it to a different one. What
> gives?  Sorry for the long email, but I wanted to be sure to give all
> the data. Dale Bronk
> Dale Bronk
> Windscape Consulting, Inc.
> http://www.windscape.com

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