Hi Derek,

The best way to get data out of XML is to use a SAX Parser.
I use the Xerces's SAX Parser from xml.apache.org. It does validate the
xml against a given dtd and works great.


> Derek Akers wrote:
>     I am building an application that received xml from various
> sources and does various things with it...  I am currently trying to
> figure out how to validate an xml string/source against a given dtd
> (ie - does xml "x" conform to dtd "y")...  does anyone have any
> suggestions as to how I can go about incorporating this functionality
> into the receiving bean (ejb)?  I realize that there are several
> parsers and validators out there, but what I am looking for is some
> code for using them manually....
> Derek Akers
> Internet Application Developer
> Eldan Software, Toronto
> (416) 341-0070
> www.eldan.com

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