
I just wonder, is that possible to
make the lookup from "the client program"
without java:comp/env?

The problem is, I want to write an EJB application
that can use JOnAs and Orion as the container.
JOnAs's JNDI does not support java:comp/env
at the client level.

Client program: For example:
Context context = new InitialContext();
Object homeObject = context.lookup("java:comp/env/BankHome");

This won't work in JOnAs. Instead I have to write this:
Context context = new InitialContext();
Object homeObject = context.lookup("BankHome");

Do I have to write 2 type of client accesses?
One for JOnAs and one for Orion? Because Orion
uses <ejb-ref> in the client-application.xml
and JOnAs doesn't.

Any help would be appriciated!
Please answer directly to my email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Blasius Lofi Dewanto
OpenUSS - Open University Support System
ICQ      : 39343280

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