Title: RE: Back to basics

This list is full of references to the Orion Primer and Orion CMP Primer, check it out.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Duwayne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: den 27 september 2000 01:03
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Back to basics
> I am just getting started to with ejb and basically I
> have Orion as an ejb server (middle) and Resin as
> jsp/servlet server (front). I want to know the basic
> requirements of Orion for deployment. What files it
> needs etc. So far I know I need the home/remote/class
> + META-INF/ejb-jar.xml files. All will be in a JAR
> file which I put in a EAR file and leave in
> application/ directory. I also change the server.xml
> and default-website.xml. Can someone write up a
> detailed tutorial for this? Its rather important to
> beginners started asap so they spend more time coding.
> Thanks for this great software!
> =====
> Duwayne Sy
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