J Davis wrote:
> We have gotten our Orion server(1.3.8) to work with EJBs on a singular
> level(i.e. we can call EJB A, B or C and it works fine.)  But If one of our
> EJB's tries to call another(i.e. A calls B)  A throws a naming exception
> that it can't find the EJB reference when doing a jndi lookup.  Is there a
> dependency tag or something within one of the XML files that denotes EJB
> dependencies on one another?  I'm sure this is something simple, but it is
> getting annoying.

Had the same problem..:
in ejb-jar.xml, you should add the dependencies. For one of my session
beans I have:


Sven E. van 't Veer                                          
Java Developer                                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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