> My EJB A does a JNDI call to java:comp/env/ejb/Test and that should work
> according to the ejb book I have. That is how a session bean uses an
> bean supposedly. From what I read, a session bean (or I suppose any ejb)
> must use a JNDI lookup for every bean it wants to use. God forbid if I had
> bean that needed to use 50 other beans! Isn't there a way to simplify this
> process?

Write a helper class so you can just do:
HelperClass.getMyEntityBean1(int id);

or something related to that.

If you had one method that accessed 50 different other beans... or rather,
if you even had 50 different beans, you have a rather huge complicated
system. Most systems probably have on the order of 10 beans or so.

> Also, it appears EJB 1.1 entity CMP stuff is very limited..VERY limited. I

Yes, EJB 1.1 CMP IS very limited. That's what 2.0 is hopefully going to do a
great deal to help. However, you can do custom finder queries in Orion so
you can specify the entire finder SQL in the orion-ejb-jar.xml file. You can
make your finders as complex as you like using that.

-joel shellman

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