Slightly OT.

I found this in my mailbox this morning ;-)

* Being compliant with the latest specs. BEA and Orion have shined here.
BEA was 6 months ahead of the pack with their EJB 1.0
product, which positioned them extremely well. Orion has unofficially
been supporting many of the latest J2EE specs (probably the
first independant vendor to support EAR files). BEA and Orion are
currently the market leaders in EJB 2.0 compliance. Both
vendors have had EJB 2.0 beta features for months now, and are close to
full support.

* Ease-of-use. Again, BEA and Orion get top marks here. Installing BEA
application server on a Unix machine has been a simple
process of unzipping a file. Deploying a complete J2EE application in
Orion requires adding an EAR file and two lines to the Orion
config files. Some other vendors have been much more complicated, which
creates undue confusion for developers.

Sven E. van 't Veer                                 
Java Developer                                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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