At 14:31 02.11.00 , you wrote:
>     Does anyone have any experience clustering Orion EJB servers
>successfully in a production (or even development) environment? I've tried
>clustering a web application and it generally seems OK. However, in order to
>eliminate single points of failure in deployment, I assume that I would have
>to cluster the EJBs as well. To do that, I've tried running multiple copies
>of Orion on separate machines, all of them accessing a common set of ejb
>class files, jsp files, etc from a shared location as well as a common
>datasource with exclusive-write-access="false" in the orion-ejb-jar.xml
>My deployment environment is
>     Windows NT
>     Orion 1.3.8/ 1.4.0
>     JDK 1.3
>     Interbase 6.0/ Sybase System 11
>There are some problems:
>1. When using 1.3.8, Orion has problems deploying entity beans. However I
>believe the problem has been solved in 1.4.0
>2. When I tried 1.4.0, I had some problems arising from the Orion OR-mapping
>scheme. Details can be found in bug #158 in Orion Bugzilla.
>3. Also in 1.4.0, there are problems creating entity beans when I try to use
>UserTransaction in my EJB clients. The entity beans seem to have been
>partially created (they exist when i check though orion console but some
>attributes have not been initialized) but do not exist in the database.
>The problems do not exist when I only run one copy of Orion with
>exclusive-write-access="true". But I can't possibly run a cluster of Orion
>app servers with that setting, can I?

check bug #104 (ejbobject doesn't load state after creation). I think it's 
most likely what you're observing in 3. or at least related to that. 
basically exclusive-write-access="false" is not usable right now. the 
workaround is to use a very short validity-timeout with 
exclusive-write-access="true" for your entities while evermind are fixing 
the problems. we switched to that after running into those problems a while 
ago and can live with that for a while.



>Any info is greatly appreciated, thanks.

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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