Hello Juan,

Since we haven't seen this behaviour ourselves when load testing, it's hard for us
to reproduce it.

To be able to give a good guess on what is wrong and if it's in Orion or not we need
a test-case. Please submit the suspected bug in bugzilla and attach a test-case so
that we can try it out.

Karl Avedal

"Juan Lorandi (Chile)" wrote:

>  <<orion-ejb-jar.zip>>
> Here's the deal
> I'm load-testing my application; Orion's behaving properly and fast while
> the load doesn't get too high... but when it happens (say, 50
> requests/second of dynamic pages),
> DeadLock's start to ocurr....
> Fine by me, I'm not ready to sacrifice data consistency to elevate the
> performance, BUT
> Somehow, Orion, after these problems start to ocurr, doesn't free the
> DataBase Connections it allocated (as you can see in the application log I'm
> attaching, first there are
> DeadLocks, then the server starts to fail waiting for connections). When I
> shut down the server, it starts printing in stdout:
> Datasource not closed, check out your code!
> Funny thing, I checked my code and guess what... no jdbc code at all.....
> ;-) I'm using CMP
> This thing with variants happens when using different drivers aimed at
> different DBs:
> jConnect/Sybase
> OracleDriver/Oracle
> SprintA2000/SQL 7
> My guess is that when a request or response is cancelled by the requester,
> orion (perhaps OrionPooledDataSource) doesn't rollback the transactions nor
> it frees the connections
> The result being my orionserver coming to a complete halt whenever the
> requests are above a certain number, and sometimes it even refuses to shut
> down
> This has me VERY worried because of possible DoS attacks, or even peaks in
> the site's use, which will ultimately be solved only by somebody pushing the
> reset button...
> Anybody has stumbled across this before?
> Orion Team, comments?
> Regards,
>         One worried poor latin boy (JP Lorandi)
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                         Name: orion-ejb-jar.zip
>    orion-ejb-jar.zip    Type: Zip Compressed Data (application/x-zip-compressed)
>                     Encoding: base64

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