Hegyi Tibor wrote:
> Hi,
> I am quite new to Orion Server (and to the Orion-Interest mailing list) and
> have been dealing with it for three days. I feel desperate now because I am
> trying to install a simple (one-class) test servlet but still to no avail.
> Unfortunately, Orion does not provide too much examples on deploying
> applications. I have ever tried to use the graphical tools but also failed.
> Please help me deploy the simple class file as a servlet to the default web
> site. I'd expect some step-by-step description (what files to edit and what
> to write in those files).
> I'd really thankful for any help.
Orion comes with an application-how-to.html. There is also some info on

However deploying a servlet should not be such a big deal.
if it does not exist, create a directory in the 


and drop the class file in this directory.

Due to defualt servlet mapping, orion should be able to find it with an
url like:

if it does not, edit the web.xml (in default-web-app/WEB-INF) to include
something like:

that should do the trick
Sven E. van 't Veer                                          
Java Developer                                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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