But there is no cmp-field called username in that bean!  username is a cmp-field in the
source bean.  And source is an entity-ref  in the bean where the finder query is being

I'm sure I'm missing some basic syntax, but haven't been able to figure it out.  Is 
anybody else who has done something similar?  It seems like a fairly routine problem 
-- an
entity bean has a ref to another entity bean and the enclosing entity bean's finder 
needs to access the enclosed bean's field.


Sven van 't Veer wrote:

> Vidur Dhanda wrote:
> > <finder-method query="$source->getUsername() = $1">
> > file:/C:/dev/lib/: Unable to process query: source was not a
> > property/field mapped field (invalid '.' use) at column 16 in query
> > '?source.username = ?1'
> >
> in the finder-method tag, use the cmp-field-name you defined in your
> bean e.i.:
> <your bean>
>   public String username;
> <finder-method query="$username = $1">
> sven
> --
> Sven E. van 't Veer
> http://www.cachoeiro.net
> Java Developer                                                      
> ====================================================================

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