Hey, I'm not too hip on CMP for EJB 1.1, but for 2.0 the
prim-key-class is given if you have a custom primary key class; the
primkey-field is used if no custom primary key class is defined.
Of course that can only work if there's a single field in the
primary key.


On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Sean P. McNamara wrote:
> Hi All-
> I'm new to Orion Server, and am in the process of developing a sample
> application to test out CMP.
> The problem I'm having is that although I've defined a
> primary-key-class and primkey-field, I receive errors that the
> primkey-field is not a CMP field, even though the descriptor is set up 
> that way.
> My Descriptor is as follows:
> <ejb-jar>
>   <enterprise-beans>
>     <entity>
>       <display-name>The Employee Entity Bean</display-name>
>       <ejb-name>com.soma.axon.ejb.entity.Employee</ejb-name>
>       <home>com.soma.axon.ejb.entity.EmployeeHome</home>
>       <remote>com.soma.axon.ejb.entity.Employee</remote>
>       <ejb-class>com.soma.axon.ejb.entity.EmployeeBean</ejb-class>
>       <prim-key-class>java.lang.String</prim-key-class>      
>       <primkey-field>ssn</primkey-field>
>       <persistence-type>Container</persistence-type>
>       <reentrant>False</reentrant>
>       <cmp-field>firstname</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>middlename</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>lastname</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>phone</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>fax</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>address1</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>address2</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>city</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>state</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>zipcode</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>hireDate</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>termDate</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>dob</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>name</cmp-field>
>       <cmp-field>ssn</cmp-field>
>     </entity>
>   </enterprise-beans>
> </ejb-jar>
> And when starting the server, they error that is displayed is:
> Auto-deploying
> /home/tank/OrionProjects/ResumeManager/rel/ResumeManager-ejb.jar (No
> previous deployment found)... Error compiling
> file:/home/tank/OrionProjects/ResumeManager/rel/ResumeManager-ejb.jar:
> The specified primkey-field 'ssn' was not found among the cmp-fields
> for the bean com.soma.axon.ejb.entity.Employee
> Looking at the descriptor, the message doesn't make sense to me... Any 
> pointers?
> Thanks!

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