At 15:00 12.11.00 , you wrote:
>It's not form commercial use. It's for my research project for getting my
>master's degree in Electrical Engineering ... I'm not concered about securety
>right now.

>then hack right on. will be fun. the security aspects of this could easily 
>fill a chapter of your thesis if it fits your topic ;-).

Thanks, Robert.

The problem is that I'm not able to get the file that I uploaded using a HTML
form like:

<form method="post" action="my_servlet">
<input type="file" name="my_class_file">
<input type="submit">

How do I get the file in the servlet and make an object of it?

I've tried:

File f = (File)request.getAttribute("my_class_file");

But it does not work. It compiles if I change to:

Object obj = request.getAttribute("my_class_file");

But then, how do I transform an Object to a File, and then, as the file is a 
compiled class, how do I create an instantiate this class to call some 
methods of it?

Thanks again!
Guilherme Ceschiatti

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