At 13:19 13.11.00 , you wrote:
>I posted this last week, but haven't gotten any resolution. I've followed 
>the how-to's and such in the Orion docs, and have searched the archive. 
>None of the stuff that is mentioned there is working, so I implore any of 
>you out there with multiple websites running to give this a look and help 
>me figure out what I'm doing wrong. If you'd rather contact me off list, 
>that's fine too....but I need to get this little problem solved, and I'm 
>running out of places to look....
>>THE SETUP (in $ORION_HOME/config, on host "orionhost")
>>1. I have a web-site.xml file for each of the two sites that I want to 
>>run under Orion (cs2k-web-site.xml and twsm-web-site.xml). Each file 
>>contains a line like this (sub "cs2k" in for "twsm" for cs2k-web-site.xml):
>>     <default-web-app application="twsm" name="twsm-web" shared="true" 
>> root="/twsm" />

this doesn't make sense. the default-web-app of a site is always mounted to 
"/". what you want is probably one web-site.xml that reads

<default-web-app application="whatever" name="whatever" root="/" />
<web-app application="twsm" name="twsm-web" root="/twsm" />
<web-app application="cs2k" name="cs2k-web" root="/cs2k" />



>>2. I have added the following lines to the end of server.xml:
>>     <application name="twsm" path="../applications/twsm/" />
>>     <web-site path="./twsm-web-site.xml" />
>>     <application name="cs2k" path="../applications/cs2k/" />
>>     <web-site path="./cs2k-web-site.xml" />
>>3. I have added the following lines to application.xml, under the default 
>>web-module tag:
>>     <web-module id="cs2k" path="../applications/cs2k" />
>>     <web-module id="twsm" path="../applications/twsm" />
>>4. All other files remain unmodified, and the default-web-site.xml has 
>>the root set to "/".
>>Now, the application that comes up when entering a URL of 
>>http://orionhost/ is the first app to be defined in server.xml.  I have 
>>verified this by switching the declarations, and the other site comes up 
>>as the default. I do not know how to get the browser to display the other 
>>site, as http://orionhost/cs2k and http://orionhost/twsm both yield 404 
>>errors.  Also, since I have defined the default website with a root of 
>>"/", shouldn't http://orionhost/ output the default web page, rather than 
>>one of my webapps?  Currently, the same host:port will be serving both 
>>websites.  They may get differing virtual domains in the future.
>>So, can anyone tell me how I can view both websites on the same 
>>server?  Can anyone see what I'm missing here?
>Andrew Kidder
>L3 SW/Support Engineer, IBU
>Tivoli Systems

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

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