
My native language isn't English either, but this IS an English mailing
list, isn't it? I think it's reasonable that if someone requests help,
they should at least be able to express their problem coherently. They're
very unlikely to get help if nobody can understand the problem to start
with! Mind you, the ejb-interest list really gets some.....'interestingly
worded' posts and it really does lower the overall quality, IMHO (or at
least, it's quite an annoyance). Thankfully enough vendors pipe in to
really make it worth subscribing.

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Juan Lorandi (Chile) wrote:

> <flamebait>
> I've been reading all those neat messages about lack of english proficcency
> and I'd like to point out that more than half
> the members of Orion-Interest's native language isn't english... After all,
> orion itself is swedish...
> And being non-english, I really dislike any discriminating comments... It's
> a wide world and we all have to be tolerant...
> </flamebait>
> JP

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