Sorry, my begin method is:

  public void begin()
    catch(Exception e)

I make this mistake becose I before try do this using 
      Context ctx = new InitialContext();
      utx = (UserTransaction)ctx.lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");
but I catch the same exception.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Stirling [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 3:03 AM
> To:   Orion-Interest
> Subject:      RE: Transaction across several different methods in Session
> beans
> Maybe you're calling begin() and commit() on two different
> UserTransactions.
> Does the line where you assign the return value of UserTransaction.begin()
> to utx work?  That looks weird (shorthand coding style), but if it works I
> guess it's OK.  The type of utx isn't declared anywhere in the code you
> posted.
> Check these lines:
>  public void begin()
>   {
>     try
>     {
>       utx = ejbCtx.getUserTransaction().begin();
>     }
> and:
>   public void commit()
>   {
>     try
>     {
>       ejbCtx.getUserTransaction().commit();
>     }
> Scott Stirling
> West Newton, MA
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lopez Esteban
> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 6:14 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Transaction across several different methods in Session beans
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use UserTransactions in a stateful session bean to associate
> itself with a transaction across several diferent methods, but it does not
> work. My code is:
> Stateful Session Bean:
> public class TransactionBean implements SessionBean
> {
>   private SessionContext ejbCtx;
>    private Entity entityRole = null;
>   public void setSessionContext(SessionContext context)
>     throws RemoteException, EJBException
>   {
>       ejbCtx = context;
>   }
>   public void ejbActivate() throws RemoteException, EJBException
>   {
>   }
>   public void ejbPassivate() throws RemoteException, EJBException
>   {
>   }
>   public void ejbRemove() throws RemoteException, EJBException
>   {
>   }
>   public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException, EJBException,
> RemoteException
>   {
>   }
>   public void createEntity(String id)
>   {
>     try
>     {
>       Context context = new InitialContext();
>       EntityHome entityHome =
> (EntityHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(context.lookup("java:comp/env/enti
> ty
> "),
>         EntityHome.class);
>       ejbEntity = entityHome.create(id);
>     }
>     catch (Exception ne)
>     {
>       ejbEntity = null;
>       ne.printStackTrace();
>     }
>   }
>   public void setDescription(String description) throws RemoteException
>   {
>     if (ejbEntity == null)
>     {
>       throw(
>         new RemoteException("Entity is null, use createEntity() first"));
>     }
>     try
>     {
>       ejbEntity.setDescription(description);
>     }
>     catch (RemoteException re)
>     {
>       re.printStackTrace();
>     }
>   }
>   public void begin()
>   {
>     try
>     {
>       utx = ejbCtx.getUserTransaction().begin();
>     }
>     catch(Exception e)
>     {
>       e.printStackTrace();
>     }
>   }
>   public void commit()
>   {
>     try
>     {
>       ejbCtx.getUserTransaction().commit();
>     }
>     catch(Exception e)
>     {
>       e.printStackTrace();
>     }
>   }
>   public void rollback()
>   {
>     try
>     {
>       ejbCtx.getUserTransaction().rollback();
>     }
>     catch(Exception e)
>     {
>       e.printStackTrace();
>     }
>   }
> }
> and my client is:
> public class TransactionTest
> {
>   public static void main(String[] args)
>   {
>     try
>     {
>       Context context = new InitialContext();
>       TransactionHome home =
> (TransactionHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(context.lookup("java:comp/env
> /t
> ransaction"),
>         TransactionHome.class);
>       Transaction tx = home.create();
>       tx.begin();
>       tx.createEntity("tx entity");
>       tx.setDescription("tx description");
>       tx.commit();
>     }
>     catch (Exception e)
>     {
>       e.printStackTrace();
>     }
>   }
> }
> I'm using Orion 1.4.4 and Windows 98. I set
> <transaction-type>Bean</transaction-type> in the ejb-jar.xml of
> Transaction
> Bean and
>               <container-transaction>
>                       <description/>
>                       <method>
>                               <description/>
>                               <ejb-name>entity</ejb-name>
>                               <method-name>*</method-name>
>                       </method>
>                       <trans-attribute>Required</trans-attribute>
>               </container-transaction>
> for Entity bean.
> When I try to use this I catch the folow exception:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No active Transaction
>         at
> com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerTransactionManager.commit(JAX)
>         at transaction.TransactionBean.commit(
>         at
> Transaction_StatefulSessionBeanWrapper0.commit(Transaction_StatefulSession
> Be
>         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
>         at
>         at
> Any ideas.
> Thanks, Esteban

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