I have had great success using JNT from http://www.eworksmart.com/jnt

to install, simply go to the directory where you install JNT and issue the
command (replacing drive letters and orion paths, of course):

D:\jnt "/InstallAsService: Orion" "/SD<ORION_HOME>" -jar

The only problem I have encountered is that it does not shut down cleanly,
because I don't know what the shutdown.method property should be set to to
shut it down, if anyone out there does know I'd love to hear... 
Works like charm otherwise though.

Mac Ferguson

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Pridham
To: Orion-Interest
Sent: 1/15/01 11:58 AM
Subject: Orion as a Win2000 service

Is anyone running Orion as a Windows 2000 service.  I tried to setup the
service as recommended by www.orionsupport.com but the application
(RunExecSvc) just dies everytime we try to run it.  Is there another way
do this?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Tom Pridham
Software Engineer
Computer Management Consultants
6951 Pistol Range Road
Tampa, FL  33536
813-935-7332 ext. 165
813-854-4538 - Fax

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