> I haven't found any capability in Forte for doing EJB
> skeletons, similar
> to EJBMaker of Orion... does such a capability exist?  I know this is
> a little off-topic for this list, but people using Forte and
> Orion would
> seem to be best for answering this question :)

Hi, in FORTE there is no such capability for programming EJBs. But,
according to people here, no one needs such functions. They use FORTE for
both EJB and JSP programming, and for EJB they create everything "by hand"
without any troubles (if you know how doing it one time, you made N times
laters :-). The tests are done locals with J2EE-RI on each developper's
computer and we use CVS+ANT for building the whole application and run it
with ORION.

Maybe it was not the best way to do the job, but we had the "newbies" skills
6 months ago :-) And today we don't have any trouble in our proudction



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